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Over 40 years of experience addressing complex challenges facing our rivers, coast, wetlands, and groundwater
with a passion for innovation in risk-based decisions

Flood Hydrology

Eight major reports on New Orleans post-Katrina regional storm surge hazard and risk reduction, including first-in-the-nation applications of high-resolution High Performance Computing modeling of Katriana breaches, future breach scenarios, and regional risk-reduction alternatives.

Ten major reports on Amite River Basin flooding over a period of 40-plus years; most recently the post-2016 Flood evaluation and the first-in-the-nation online High-Definition Flood Inundation Map.  The regional 2016 Flood was the nation’s 4th most expensive at the time.

Central Louisiana multi-parish regional water resource planning study.

Investigation of a 1983 Mississippi River bank failure for a Superfund Site near Darrow, Louisiana.


Scoping reports for a new FEMA coastal flood study for northwest Florida/Georgia to leverage rapidly evolving HPC modeling.

Environmental Hydrology

Detailed hydraulic feasibility study for a Mississippi River diversion to restore the Maurepas Swamp.  Included first-in-the-nation application of high-resolution HPC modeling of shallow wetland circulation to evaluate short-circuiting, retention time for denitrification, and upstream flood impacts.

Advanced research on low-turbulence wetland hydrodynamics.

Post-Katrina analyses for Lake Pontchartrain circulation with proposed restriction of tidal passes.

Investigations into chlorinated solvent, petroleum, and wood-treating chemical contamination of groundwater at dozens of industrial locations and Superfund sites.

Remediation plans for industrial impoundments and other groundwater and surface water contamination sources, including first-in-the-nation bioremediation for a Superfund site.

Remediation plans for contaminated estuarine waterbodies incorporating sophisticated quantitative characterization of ecological risks and risk reduction alternative.


Assessments for upgrading wastewater and stormwater management at several refineries and petrochemical plants.

Leadership and Innovation

Creating Real Flood Resilience L3C to provide the Real Flood Re$ilience public information service.

Entrepreneur/owner of engineering firms for 15 years.


Profit center, business line, department , and project manager roles for national engineering and construction firms.

Led efforts on behalf of numerous corporations and their legal/financial teams, federal/state/local agencies, and professional colleagues at all levels from varying disciplines. 


Mature sensitivity to the dynamics of both environmental sustainability and client priorities—balancing the application of rapidly evolving methods with practical demands in optimizing highly sensitive risk-based decisions.

Authored several journal articles on flood risk and a manual for cost-effective risk-based groundwater remediation; given numerous presentations for a wide range of audiences; provided expert commentary for many national and regional media stories on Louisiana water issues.

Prepared a study leading to the 1995 reorganization of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.


Led the Centennial Celebration of the American Society of Civil Engineers Louisiana Section.

Given numerous presentations for a wide range of audiences; provided expert commentary for many national and regional media stories on Louisiana water issues.

An enthusiast for advancing the professional practice for numerous aspects of flood and environmental information and applied science, as well as environmental remediation technology

Authored several publications on risk-based approaches to flood and environmental challenges.

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