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Bob has decades of management experience at the office, program, and project levels for environmental/coastal engineering/construction firms. 
Over the years he’s exhibited a mature sensitivity to the dynamics of both environmental sustainability and client near- and long-term priorities—balancing the application of rapidly evolving methods with practical demands in optimizing highly sensitive risk-based decisions.


Bob has worked with numerous corporations and their legal/financial teams, federal/state/local agencies,
professional colleagues at all levels from varying disciplines, as well as citizen stakeholders.



In 2024 started Real Flood Resilience L3C –a low-profit LLC—to provide the Real Flood Re$ilience public information service dedicated to improving due diligence for all property stakeholders by providing timely, practical information to better characterize a property’s flood hazard and price its flood ri$k.


Since 2011 has provided flood hydrology engineering services through Bob Jacobsen PE LLC.  Major clients have included the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority East, the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, the Amite River Basin Commission, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


From 1998–2000 provided environmental hydrology engineering services through his firm EnviroValue LLC during which time he managed multi-million dollars in remediation projects for industrial clients. 



Profit Center, Business Line, and Project Management

Held/overseen the full range of organizational responsibilities for several national environmental firms, including business planning, profit/loss, cash flow, business development/marketing, IDIQ and project contract negotiation, human resources/recruitment, subcontracts/vendors, and quality/satisfaction assurance. 


In 1989 founded and managed a Gulf Coast regional office for an environmental remediation division of a Fortune 50 firm.  Under his management, the profit center grew to a staff of over 50, successfully performed over $20 million in large-scale remediation construction projects, with 1991 revenues reaching over $1 million per month, and led the division in profitability and cash flow performance. 


In 2002 initiated the Louisiana coastal restoration business practice for a nationally prominent engineering firm.  Over five years managed the multi-million-dollar study/design contract for the first state-directed Mississippi River diversion project and several IDIQ contracts and task orders.


Expertise in appropriate application of advanced professional-level approaches to: investigations, data collection/management/quality, GIS, modeling, feasibility studies, risk assessment, permitting/impact studies, economic evaluation, design, and construction. 


A dozen years of experience in managing large, administratively complex, multi-million-dollar environmental remediation projects.  Experience includes rigorous operational demands posed by a multitude of requirements: regulatory, worker/public exposure to toxic contamination, material handling technology, logistics, seasonal conditions, schedule, multiple-owners, and detailed accounting and cash-flow requirements.



Government Policy

Regularly attended Amite River Basin Commission meetings (2002 to 2022) and Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority--East meetings (2008 to 2016) and provided comments on flood events and flood hazard and risk issues.


Based on his broad environmental and management background, contracted in 1995 by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality to prepare a comprehensive management survey to document the LDEQ organization, functions and legal program mandates, personnel resources, expenditures, revenues, and total quality management programs.  The project responded to mounting concerns for LDEQ fiscal and programmatic accountability.  He presented findings to the 1995-96 LDEQ Transition Team.  LDEQ was subsequently reorganized along functional lines.


In 1995 served as environmental policy advisor to gubernatorial candidate. 


Served on trade association environmental review teams during gubernatorial transition.



Professional Organization

American Society of Civil Engineers 2008 Baton Rouge Branch President.


American Society of Civil Engineers 2014 Louisiana Section President. 


2010 Recipient of the ASCE Baton Rouge Branch Outstanding Civil Engineer Award. 


In 2014 as ASCE Louisiana Section President, led activities celebrating the Section’s Centennial Anniversary, including the Gala Honoring the State of Louisiana’s Top Civil Engineering Achievements.

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