Bob’s distinctive course of education—
two master’s degrees from LSU concentrating in environmental policy and environmental engineering,
and subsequent doctoral courses and research on estuarine hydrodynamics—
enhanced a unique set of analytical skills and contributed greatly to his career path.
Over his 40-year career. Bob has been an enthusiast for advancing the professional practice
for risk-based resolution of environmental challenges.
Flood and Environmental Information and Applied Science
Bob has participated in and promoted the early exploration and adoption of:
Property-specific flood financial risk for due diligence (2020-present)
High-Definition (High Resolution/High Accuracy) Flood Inundation Maps (2019-22)
High-Resolution 2D Modeling (HEC-RAS) for wetland circulation (2018)
Joint Probability Methods in Flood Hazard Analysis (2006-16)
Low turbulence flow in wetlands (2006-12)
High-Resolution/HPC 2D Modeling (ADCIRC) for tides (2006)
High Resolution/High Performance Computing 2D Modeling (ADCIRC) for hurricane surge (2005-2016)
High-Resolution/HPC 2D Modeling (ADCIRC) for wetland circulation (2004-07)
Geographical Information Systems (1992-present)
Wetland ecological risk assessment for toxic chemicals
Relational database for managing nationwide multi-site remediation (1995)
Methods for conducting feasibility studies for remediation of contaminated sites (1984-87)
2D DNAPL migration pathways (1983-85)
2D groundwater flow modeling (1983-84)
Requirements for safely storing and disposing of hazardous waste (1980-84)
Remediation Technology
Bob has also participated in and promoted the early exploration and adoption of environmental remediation technologies:
Intrinsic groundwater remediation (1996)
Horizontal wells for recovery of contaminated groundwater (1995)
Onsite mobile processing (mechanical and thermal) of impoundment sediments (1989-2004)
Bio-remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated solids (1984-91)
Investigation of subsurface DNAPL migration (1983-85)
Like many in his generation, Bob has enjoyed the many advances in general productivity tools: from the era of slide rules, typewriters, (and literal “cut and paste”), special log paper, paper ledgers, carousels of 35 mm slides, primitive fax machines, “snail mail,” “Yellow Pages Ads,” and “bag phones,” to today’s world of networked multi-core computers and smart phones with amazing word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, email, video conferencing, and website development applications. Bob has been eager to learn and share each step of progress (word processing his master's thesis in 1981), and as a business manager to advocate, fund, and leverage them.